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 Questions on economic development or business opportunities?

Please contact Tony Chladek for any questions or concerns on the economic development in Rushford 507-864-2444 (City Hall) or email Tony rushford@acegroup.cc  

 Can I have my utility bill taken directly from my checking or savings account?

Yes! You may contact us at 864-2444 for the information needed or you may print out the form below and drop it off at City Hall. 


Direct Bill Payment Form.doc Fill out form and bring to City Hall

 How can I make a reservation at Creekside Park?

Contact City Hall at 507-864-2444 for reserving a shelter at the playground.

 Building Permits or Zoning Questions?

If you have any questions about building or zoning permits, please contact City Hall at 864-2444. or email citykaz@goacentek.net

 I'd like to find out how much my current utility bill is. Who can I contact?

You may email Juliann or Tiffany or you may give them a call at (507) 864-2444 and they will help you.

 Solid Waste Disposal Calendar

Please send an email to Juliann or stop by City Hall.

 Who can I contact for Swimming Pool information?

If you are interested in swimming lessons or a season pass, you may contact City Hall at 507-864-2444.